How to Decorate an Ice Cream Cone Cookie
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream (cookies)! Make these colorful ice cream cone cookies as a refreshing treat during the summer months.
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Bake and cool cookies fully before decorating. Prepare royal icing in the following colors and consistencies:
Outline/Piping Consistency:
Light Brown (mix a drop or two of Bright White into your Mocha Brown icing)
BlueFlood Consistency:
Light Brown
Pink -
Using the light brown outline consistency icing, outline the ice cream cone.
Use light brown flood consistency icing to flood the ice cream cone. Coax the icing to the edges and pop any air bubbles using a scribe tool or toothpick.
Next, outline the top of the ice cream cone with pink outline consistency icing and flood with pink flood consistency icing. Coax the icing to the edges and pop any air bubbles using a scribe tool or toothpick.
Move quickly to the next step, as it needs to be done while the icing is still wet. -
While the pink icing is still wet, add sprinkles to the top of the cone.
If you need to move the sprinkles around for placement, a pair of offset tweezers work best, but you can also nudge the sprinkles around with a scribe tool or toothpick.
Using your blue outline consistency icing, pipe swirls of icing at the base just above the cone.
Use a scribe tool or toothpick to gently move the blue icing around to create a nice ice cream texture.
Once your light brown cone icing has dried, you can pipe the waffle cone detail using light brown outline consistency icing. Be sure not to do this while the base icing is wet, as you will lose definition.
Next, pipe swirls of pink royal icing above the blue royal icing. You’ll want to make sure the blue icing is dried and crusted over before embarking on this step. If the blue icing is still wet, it may run into the pink icing and you’ll lose definition between the sections.
Cookies decorated by Julia Perugini of Julia’s Cookies